Downtown Asheboro
'Business Boost' Grant Program
Downtown Asheboro Inc.’s vision prioritizes fostering a downtown community that is entrepreneurial, artistic, and innovative, providing a welcome atmosphere that encourages a growing and forward-thinking environment for small business and residential living. The Downtown Asheboro ‘Business Boost’ Grant Program aims to support that vision by providing grant funding for businesses to implement innovative ideas or enhance their current operations, boosting success.
This program will provide grant funding up to $2500.00 for proposals within the downtown district that meet the eligible criteria of the grant program. Projects can focus on physical storefront improvement, business expenses related to enhancement of services, or the development of e-commerce tools to help expand your digital footprint.
The grant application is open to all business owners within the Downtown Asheboro Historic District, however there is focused outreach for historically underrepresented business owners.
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Grant recipients will be announced by November 1, 2024.

Applicant Information
Criteria for Applicants:
Small Business must have less than 50 employees
Small Business must have a physical storefront location in the downtown historic district (map on page 7)
Grants are meant to help small businesses thrive and appropriate expenditures for this program include:
Enhanced service or commerce opportunities, such as modifying physical space, technology to improve sales or expanding capacity for delivering goods and services.
Furniture for expanded seating-capacity, accessibility compliance for additional seating, additional fixtures required for compliance with public health issues.
Storefront beautification projects enhancing the appearance of the business and downtown region. For example, updated exterior paint, awnings, signage or planters.
Tools or programs to support the business’s workforce needs, including recruiter fees, paying to list job postings on a job board, or employee training costs.
Payroll, incentive pay, rent and utilities are ineligible expenses.
Nonprofits that operate a storefront small business may be included as small business support applicants.
Any physical changes to a building structure must consider and adhere to the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties (listed on page 6)
All applicants agree upon submission of project proposal to schedule a one-on-one resource session with Downtown Asheboro Inc. to learn about additional business resources available.
Selection Guidelines:
Application submittal does not guarantee funding for a project. Downtown Asheboro Inc. will convene the economic vitality committee to review applications and select recipients. The committee will award projects that support Downtown Asheboro Inc.’s vision and adhere to grant guidelines. Project proposals will be evaluated based on their viability for long-term success, their level of innovation and creativity, and their enhancement of the downtown district.
Grant Timeline:
Downtown Asheboro ‘Business Boost’ Program will be announced August 6, 2024
Project Proposals will be due September 13, 2024
Economic Vitality Committee will review project proposals and make grant selections
Grant recipient will be announced by November 1, 2024